
Une expo et une conférence

Following OBJECTS at 019-Ghent, ten architecture offices across Belgium display IMAGES for one day and a half. Short and sharp! Opening on friday 08 december evening. With Vers-a, Schenk Hattori, Reservoir A, Raamwerk, Label, Havan-a, Binario, Central, AhA and AgwA

B210, Aet Ader & Karin Tougu
VERS.A, Guillaume Becker & Kobe Van Praet

in conversation with

Lisa De Visscher, ir architect, editor in chief A+, ULiège
Tomas Ooms, archit, KULeuven
Guillaume Joachim, architect, PhD, ULiège

At Espace Konekt, hosted by BOZAR, in the Ravenstein Gallery

IN PRACTICE proposes an encounter between architecture critics, academics and practitioners. Invited architects present their work through the lens of the design process. This opens a conversation with a panel and with the public, bridging the gap between research methodologies and the field of practice. Practice as research, research as practice.

J'en profites au passage: j'en entendu dire que le thème des ateliers nocturnes serait plus ou moins "l'esthétique de la crise et l'austérité". Je ne connais pas personnellement les organisateurs mais ça serait dommage de ne pas communiquer avec eux et voir si il y a moyen de collaborer, de leur souffler des suggestions de bureaux à inviter.
